Friday, August 25, 2017

Life Update

*So much* has happened since I last posted. A lot of wonderful things have been happening in the Martin household! We have a WALKER...and we have a PRE-SCHOOLER!

 Jace celebrating 4th of July
Audrey on her 1st day of Pre-K

My babies are getting so big! Jace took his first steps one week ago today, finally! We are so proud of him. Audrey thinks it's so neat, and now she wants him to say "Audrey" next. She started Pre-K last week, and she loves it. Her teacher says she has a good day every day and always has a smile on her face. :) She is such a good girl. My babies are getting too big, yesterday marked two years since I got my positive pregnancy test with Jace, which is just crazy to me. It feels like I was just hurting so deeply a few months ago.

Another thing that has happened in our family is my husband getting a promotion. We have been very lazy about getting our house ready to sell (he works an hour and fifteen minutes away), but now we absolutely need to! We are hoping to put the house on the market in a few weeks, but we assume it will take at least a few months to sell because of our area and the time of year. We are just so excited to be able to move and start a new chapter in our life together as a family. 

We feel like everything has finally come together. Ever since Jace was born, everything has been so peaceful. I love seeing Audrey so happy to finally have a sibling to play with, they love each other so much and seeing that makes my heart melt. I'm so glad it finally happened for me, and that I did put a lot of my "joy" into having another child. He was worth it all. My two babies mean the world to me and fighting for them was worth it. matter what ANYONE tells you.

1 comment:

  1. glad that things are going well. I hope your house sells quickly once it's on the market :)
